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At ZimDens, we work with a number of experienced experts that can guide you in buying real estate. Get in touch with us and we will be glad to share contact details of the best in the game!
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Using ZimDens is easy like ABC! The 3 easy steps listed will have you setup in minutes! You can click the button below to add properties. It can also get you started with setting if you`re not already.
Add Home<span style="font-size: 18px;">As a property owner, will zimdens.com collect money on my behalf?
Not now. We are currently simply an advertising platform for property owners and seekers. However for the security of customers we consider having a payment system in the future for verified service providers. This will allow for a smooth conflict resolution between property owners and clients.
Do yo offer any free services?
The basic idea of zimdens.com which is to be the largest real estate marketplace in Zimbabwe is free. This means that listing properties and searching for properties is completely free of charge. Property owners will only pay for upgrades to have their properties on the featured page or homepage.
How can I manage my Account?
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What services are paid for?
As a property owner, you may want to boost the chances of your listing. You may do this by purchasing the upgrades to have your properties on the featured list, on the homepage or as a sponsored ad. This allows more site visitors to see your properties.
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